Wednesday, April 26, 2006

From Gillian Porter

Mark - Please post the following message on the Barts spot.

A few words to everyone involved with "The Lady" - What a shame we didn't manage to gain more recognition from adjudicators for all our achievements and make it to this year's finals.

However to my mind we did our level best and performed a great show which the audiences thoroughily enjoyed.

I would personally like to thank all of you for your good humour, serious engagement with the material and hard work. I was delighted to watch the show every night and fascinated to see the performances became more assured as our tour progressed.

To those of you who worked backstage, once again you did a fantastic job quietly and tirelessly delivering the goods again and again.The sheer professionalism which allowed those of you facing ill health and personal trauma to ensure that the show went on regardless was a humbling privilege to witness.

I'm sorry to have waited so long to send this message but Easter and Percy French got in the way.

Anyway the Van is going through it's MOT so you never know if it passes where it may turn up next!


Tuesday, April 18, 2006

‘An Evening of Percy French’

‘An Evening of Percy French’
Friday 21st April in Canon Lindsay Hall, 8.00pm
Tickets £12 incl. light supper

The Percy French Concert Party is a small company led by Wilfie Pyper who have devised this show and performed it several times to local audiences. It is a really super show and audiences love it's mix of songs sketches and wit. We are fortunate to have them perform for us as part of our fundraising activities and simply must sell as many seats as possible to ensure that the evening is a commercial success. So we are asking you to play your part and make sure that all seats are sold and that no-one is disappointed.

It's happening next week so make sure to jolly along anybody who has not seen this show.
Tickets from June Silcock

June can be found at Church on Wed, Thurs and Friday nights of Holy Week, for service and on Sunday at 10.30 and 6.30pm. Alternatively anyone can email her by clicking HERE