Saturday, September 09, 2006

Various notices from Barney

The Wind in the Willows

James Burns is still having a reading for this wonderful play which we will be putting on in December. Next reading is Tuesday 12th September at 8.00 pm at Barts.
NB: David Sloan will not be holding a reading for his One-Act play on this date as he has decided not to proceed with the play this year.


Christine is having a reading for Misery - our festival offering on Thursday 14th September at 8.00 pm. Although this exciting thriller is a two-hander, both parts are very much up for grabs.

Anyone who wishes to be considered for acting roles but is unable to attend these readings should contact either James (9079 8344) or Christine (9070 5121) In addition both of these productions will be very demanding technically and there will be plenty of work for people backstage and offstage. If you feel you can contribute in any way please contact the director(s).

Sailor Beware

The final two performances of this show will be in St. Bride's Hall, Derryvolgie Avenue on 6th and 7th of October. If you know of anyone who has mised the show so far then urge them to go along. Also, I need some volunteers to provide 'front of house' duty including selling programmmes and serving wine and juice at the interval. Ann Sloan has offerred her help but anyone else who could assist her would be a godsend. Please contact me (9066 5643) if you can so help.